Презентация к уроку английского языка

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Fashion show Made by Krishtalyov Sergey 10 A
Fashion show Made by Krishtalyov Sergey 10 A
Teenage clothing
Teenage clothing
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Casual clothing It characterizes the freedom and convenience because we wear...
Casual clothing It characterizes the freedom and convenience because we wear it at home and on the street.
party clothes It should be beautiful and fashionable is not always easy to ap...
party clothes It should be beautiful and fashionable is not always easy to apply to this type of clothing.
Sport style These are clothes for sports, it should be comfortable and the fr...
Sport style These are clothes for sports, it should be comfortable and the freedom of movement
business style This business style, he is very strict. No jeans and sneakers,...
business style This business style, he is very strict. No jeans and sneakers, it is characterized pants, shirts, ties and tuxedos. We use it at school for meetings and public events.
Remember that the clothing should be fashionable and comfortable.
Remember that the clothing should be fashionable and comfortable.

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