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  • Конспект по теме a letter from my friend

Конспект по теме a letter from my friend

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предварительный просмотр материала

The out line of the lesson plan.

Date: 16. 01. 2016

Subject: English

Form: 5 "Б"

Theme: A letter from my friend.

The form of the lesson: traditional lesson.

The type of the lesson: explain lesson.

The objective of the lesson: by the end of the lesson pupil's should know a few words about today's theme.

  1. Educational

a. vocabulary topics: new words,topic.

b. grammar: Verb to have/has.

  1. Upbringing: to bringing pupils to remember verb and letter to friend

  2. Developing: 5th class pupil's should be free to speak their opinions about food and drinks.

Inter subject connection: Russian, English practical grammar.

Methods of teaching: questions and answers, discussion, explain.

The equipment of the lesson:

- visual aids: new words, pictures, diagrams, cards.

- technical means: board

- literature: English text-book for the 5th form by T. Ayapova Almaty "Atamura" 2010.

2. Presentation

3. Vocabulary presentation:

Phonetic training

4. Grammar practice:

5. Conclusion

Home task


1. Greeting:

- Good afternoon boys and girls! I'm glad to see you! I'm English teacher and my name is Aiya Bolatovna. Set down, please.

2. Talking to the duty:

- Who is on duty today?

- What date is it today?

- What day is it today?

- Who is absent?

3. Checking home task:

- OK. Very nice! What was your home task?

- What do you see?Что вы видите? Да, правильно. Это письмо. А вы знаете как будет на английском слово письмо?

Ok. Good. It means that we will speak about letter. Его нам прислал наш друг из Англии.Но перед тем как прочитать письмо, мы запишем новые слова.

Now, boys and girls, open your vocabulary and write down the new words. I'll give you 5 minutes. Ok, good! Listen and repeat after me.









Have you finished?

В этом письме некоторые слова стёрлись, сперва поставим слова на место. Let's begin:

Прочитай письмо, которое Джонни написал. Вставь слова, которые стёрлись:

summer, my sister, smart, draw, pupil, write

Конспект по теме a letter from my friend

Молодцы. Вы поставили все слова правильно. Давайте теперь прочитаем и переведем. Кто хочет прочитать?

А кто хочет перевезти?

Ok, nice! Под текстом есть вопросы, которые вам задал Джонни. Давайте ответим на эти вопросы.

1.Have you got dogs or cats, parrots or fish? (У тебя есть собаки или кошки, попугаи или рыбы?- Yes, I have a dog or No, I have not)

2.Do you go to school? Have you got post offices and postman? (Ты ходишь в школу?У тебя есть почта и почтальон?-Yes,I go to school. I have got post offices and postmen)

3.Can you play football? Do you like winter or spring, summer or autumn?Have you got rivers and forests? (Ты умеешь играть в футбол?Тебе нравится зима или весна, лето или осень?У тебя есть реки и леса? Yes, I can play football.I like summer.Yes, I have got river and forests.)

Do you want to have a rest? Stand up, please. Repeat after me, all together.

Jump, jump, jump to the party music. (прыгаем на месте)

Dance, dance, dance to the party music. (танцуем на месте)

Shake, shake, shake to the party music. (качаем головой)

Clap, clap, clap your hands and tap, tap,tap your foot. (хлопаем в ладоши, топаем ногами)

But when the music stops, (указательный палец вверх)

But when the music stops,

But when the music stops,

FREEZE! (замираем в смешной позе)

Well done! Sit down, please. Let's continue our work.

Very good. Now open you diaries and write down your homework

Сегодняшняя наша грамматическая тема Verb to have (Глагол to have)

Значение этого глагола - "иметь, владеть, обладать".

Как самостоятельный глагол to have в настоящем времени имеет 2 формы:

have для всех лиц, кроме 3-го лица единственного числа

has для 3-го лица единственного числа

В прошедшем времени глагол to have имеет форму had, в будущем - shall have, will have. Отрицание выражается формой глагола to have с отрицанием not.

Краткая форма:

has not = hasn't

have not = haven't

Examples: I have a book. I haven't a book. Have I a book? He has a pen. He hasn't a pen. Has he a pen?

Формы глагола to have

I have I have not Have I?

You have You have not Have you?

He/She/It-has He… not Has he/she/it?

We have We have not Have we?

They have They have not Have they?

- Сегодняшний урок подошел к концу. Кто мне ответит когда употребляется глагол to have?

Приведите пример?

Very good. Now open you diaries and write down your homework write a letter to your friend. Do you understand?

I want to evaluate your activities.

P1 - you are the best, who works hard today. Your English is good and I put you excellent.

P2 - you want to work industries, but you have some mistakes. I put you good mark.


Stand up,please! Good bye,boys and girls.

The lesson is over.

- Good afternoon teacher!

- I am on duty today.

- Today it is the eighth of October.

- Today it is Wednesday.

- All are present.



Pupil's listen to teacher.


Pupil's repeat new words after the teacher. Pupil's read individually P1, P2, P3...


Pupil's read and translate the letter.

Pupil's listen to teacher.

-Good bye teacher!









School teacher: ______ __________________

Students name: _______ _________________



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