• Учителю
  • Разработка урока английского языка на тему Дни недели, месяцы, числительные и школьные предметы (5 класс)

Разработка урока английского языка на тему Дни недели, месяцы, числительные и школьные предметы (5 класс)

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предварительный просмотр материала

Николаенко М.В.

Донецкая общеобразовательная школа I- III ступеней №91 МОН ДНР

Урок английского языка

в 5 классе

Тема урока: Дни недели, месяцы, числительные и школьные предметы


Практические: учить учащихся использованию в речи лексики по теме, активизировать ее в ситуативных заданиях, формировать у учащихся фонематический слух, показать разницу долгого звука [і:] и короткого [ı] в словах;

Развивающие: развивать творческие способности учащихся на уроке, их кругозор, монологические, диалогические способности учащихся, снятие комплекса в работе.

Воспитательные: интерес к изучению английского языка, стремление к познанию окружающего мира. Поддержка и взаимопомощь между учащимися.

Оборудование: музыкальный центр, ноутбук, диски, кассета, флешка, карточки с цифрами, с названиями дней недели, месяцев, рисунки, карточки для работы над диалогами, тестовые задания, таблицы и другой дополнительный материал.

Ход урока:


The teacher: Good morning, children! I am very glad to see again. Let's start our lesson. Firsr, I suggest you to work with phonetics. In front of you there are two sounds: long sound [і:] and short sound [ı].

Учащимся предлагается комплекс дыхательных упражнений на основе этих двух звуков.

1 упражнение: вдохнуть медленно, задержать дыхание, а выдыхая произнести долгий звук [і:] без паузы на одном дыхании.

2 упражнение: проделать тоже самое , но звук произносить с паузами [ı], [ı] и т.д.

The teacher: Thank you, children! And now repeat after me:

sheep- ship beat-bit Pete-pit

team-slim feet-fit meet-sit

sleep-slip she-eat-it

Учащиеся повторяют за учителем слова.

The teacher: All right. Thank you. And now tell me, please. Who is on duty today?

A girl: I am on duty today.

The teacher: Very nice. Who is absent?

The girl: Nobody is absent. All are present.

2. Основная часть:

The teacher: It's nice. What was your home task for today?

The girl: Our home task for today was to learn the names of the days of the week, months of the year, numbers and school subjects.

The teacher: Well, we will speak about everything soon. But now tell me, please. How many seasons are there in the year?

A pupil: There are four seasons in the year.

The teacher: It's right. What are they? Call them, please.

P 1: Spring

P 2: Summer

P 3: Autumn

P 4: Winter

The teacher: That's correct. I want to suggest you to guess a riddle about one of the seasons. This is a poem.

This is the season,

When days are cool.

When we eat apples

And go to school.

The pupil: It's autumn.

The teacher: Very nice. Answer my question. What's the weather like in autumn?

P 5: The weather is bad in autumn.

P 2: The sky is grey.

P 3: It often rains. Especially in November.

The teacher: Is it raining now?

P 4: No, it isn't.

The teacher: What colours are the leaves in autumn?

P 6: The leaves are green, yellow, red and brown in autumn.

The teacher: Do you like today's weather? Why?

The pupils: No (Yes), because it's cold (it's warm) today.

The teacher: Thank you. Tell me, what day is it today?

P 7: It is Wednesday today.

The teacher: You are right. And now I want you to listen to one story. I'd got a very original friend. He had a very original life. His name was Solomon Grandy. And this is my assistant. Her name is Nika. She helps me to introduce this man. So, let's start to read the text.

На доске висят не по порядку цифры от 1 до 7 (дни недели) синего цвета. Когда ученица произносит текст по строчке, к доске выходят по очереди учащиеся с табличкой определенного дня недели и останавливаются у доски под своей цифрой.


Solomon Grandy

Born on Monday,

Christened on Tuesday,

Married on Wednesday,

Ill on Thursday,

Worse on Friday,

Died on Saturday,

Buried on Sunday.

К доске вышли учащиеся и стали не по порядку у своих цифр. Они вместе произносят последнюю фразу:

That was the end of Solomon Grandy.

The teacher: Say, please. Is it Solomon's birthday today?

P 3: No, it isn't.

The teacher: Why? Explain, please.

P 8: Because it is Wednesday today. He was born on Monday.

The teacher: You are right. Thank you. And now I want you to make friends with our days of the week. Here they are. Let's ask them what their names are.

P 1: What's your name?

P 2: I am Wednesday,

P 3: Call, please, your name.

P 4: I am Sunday.

P 5: Tell me who are you?

P 6: I am Thursday.

P 7: What's your name?

P 8: I am Monday,

P 9: Who are you?

P 10: I am Friday.

P 11: What's your name?

P 12: I am Saturday.

P 13: Tell me who are you?

P 14: I am Tuesday.

The teacher: Glad to see all of you.

The days of the week: We are glad to see you too.

The teacher: Oh, children! Look at our days! Something is wrong with them! They are not in order now. Am I right?

P 5: Yes, you are right.

The teacher: Let's count from 1 to7 and you, days, take your right place.

Учащиеся класса считают, а в это время дни недели снимают каждый свою карточку с синей цифрой , под которой находятся правильного порядка цифры красного цвета и занимают свои правильные места(1,2,3,4,5,6,7).

The pupils of the form: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven.

The teacher: Thank you. Now it's correct. I know yet that five days of the week are working days and only two are weekends. I would like you to call them.

P 1: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday are working days.

P 2: Saturday and Sunday are weekends.

The teacher: It's well. But you know if you have the working day, you have the lessons, don't you? Tell me, please. How many lessons do you have on Monday? And what are they?

P 3: We have six lessons on Monday. They are: Labour Training, Mathematics, Geography, Russian Language, Arts and History.

The teacher: And on Tuesday?

P 4: We have seven lessons. They are: Biology, Russian, Physical Training, Russian Literature, English, Music and Science.

The teacher: What lessons do you have on Wednesday?

P 5: We have six lessons. They are: Russian, English, Mathematics, Physical Training, German and Computer Studies.

The teacher: And what is about Friday?

P6: On Friday we have Russian Literature, Mathematics, Physical Training, Russian and English.

The teacher: OK. Thank you. And what is about weekends? Do you have lessons on Saturday and Sunday?

P 7: No, we don't.

The teacher: Are you free?

P 8: Yes, we are.

The teacher: So, I want you to listen to words which are days of the week on the CD. Then repeat them.

Когда прозвучит первое слово, обозначающее первый день недели (Sunday),учащийся - воскресенье занимает свое место за партой. За ним так поступают остальные шесть учащихся. Запись произношения дней недели на компакт диске повторяется диктором 3 раза:

1. повтор;

2. между строк;

3.быстрый темп.

The teacher: Thank you. Now I suggest you to read the text "The Strange Mouse Gets a Name". Open your Student's book and find the text at page 10-11. After reading I ask you to answer the questions.

После чтения учащиеся отвечают на вопросы. Учитель предлагает учащимся расслабиться и спеть песню по теме урока. Он включает песню для проработки.

The teacher: Let's sing a song together. This song is called "Seven Days Blues". You can find it at page 11.

"Seven Days Blues". (Open Doors 1, by Norman Whitney, Student's book)

Monday blue,

Tuesday too,

Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, baby,

I love you.

Saturday night,

Sunday too.

Seven days of the week, baby,

I love you.

Учащиеся повторяют песню за исполнителем. По окончании работы с песней учитель хвалит и благодарит учащихся за их дружное пение.

The teacher: It was wonderful! Thank you!

Затем учитель начинает играть с детьми. Он говорит о том, что позабыл написание некоторых слов и просит учащихся помочь ему исправить неприятную ситуацию.

The teacher: Ah! What did I do? I've forgotten to write the date on the blackboard! Remain me, please. What day is it today?

P5: It is Wednesday today.

The teacher: I can't write this word. Spell it, please.

P5: W-e-d-n-e-s-d-a-y

The teacher: OK. Thank you! (учитель пишет на доске слово «среда»).But what date is it today ?

P6: Today it is the fifteenth of October.

The teacher: The fifteenth? (учитель показывает трудность понимания написания слова)Spell it too.

P6: T-h-e f-i-f-t-e-e-n-t-h.

The teacher: It's clear! And what about the month?

P7: It is October now.

The teacher: What is October?

P8: It is the tenth month of the year.

The teacher: Help me to write this word.

P9: O-c-t-o-b-e-r.

The teacher: Thank you everybody who helped me. Open your exercise -books now and write down the date in them. Today it is the fifteenth of October. We spoke about October but you must know another months. What are they? Let's to listen to words which are months of the year on the CD. Then repeat them. Listen to words very attentively. It helps you to pronounce them correctly. So, the twelve months.

Запись произношения 12 месяцев на компакт диске повторяется диктором 3 раза:

1. повтор;

2. между строк;

3.быстрый темп.

Учитель проверяет понимание учащийся и предлагает нескольким учащимся перечислить месяца по порядку. Затем он вводит в урок правила употребления двух предлогов in и on , которые могут применяться c датами: in с названием месяца и on с полной датой.

The teacher: Pay attention to the using of the prepositions in and on when we speak about time.

The teacher: What month is your birthday in?

P10: My birthday is in October.-У меня день рождения в октябре.

P11: My birthday is in May. - У меня день рождения в мае.

P12: My birthday is in December. - У меня день рождения в декабре.

The teacher: Pay attention to the using of the prepositions in and on when we speak about time.

P3: My birthday is on the fifth of October. - У меня День рождения пятого октября.

P4: My birthday is on the tenth of May. - У меня День рождения десятого мая.

P12 : My birthday is on the second of December. - У меня День рождения второго декабря.

The teacher: You know that there are twelve months in the year. That's why I ask you repeat numerals from one to twelve.

Учитель предлагает учащимся посчитать месяцы по порядку, а затем сделать письменноe задание с использованием названий месяцев и порядковых числительных.

The teacher: I'll give each of you a piece of paper with the task. Complete the sentences and headline the words which were added.

e.g. March is the third month of the year .

1. December is … month of the year. (twelfth)

2. April is…month of the year. (fourth)

3. June is…month of the year. (sixth)

4. … is the eleventh month of the year. (November)

5. …the eighth month of the year. (August)

6. …is the second month of the year. ( February)

Учитель проверяет готовность выполнения письменного задания, После проверки он предлагает учащимся решить несколько заданий.

The teacher: Now I ask to play. I divide your form into two teams (team A and team B). I'll give you some tasks and you must do it quickly. The winner will be who will do these tasks faster.

May success you!

The first task: Guess the rebuses:

Team A: M Team B: sec -------- day day d

(Monday) (second)

The second task: The cards with the names of months are cut into two parts. Combine these parts in a whole word.

Team A: It has a list of months from January to June.

Team B: It has a list of months from July to December.

The third task: Guess the day of the week:

Team A:


Team B:


The teacher: Time is up. Thank you for your activities. Oh! You have the equal results. The winner is friendship! Well done! Did you like our competition?

The pupils: Yes, we did.

The teacher: Thank you very much. And the last task is a dialogue. Now listen to it on the CD and complete the table into your books. According this dialogue you must do your own one. Take the cards and your personal forms for your work.

Персональные карточки раздаются каждому учащемуся на парту. Они заполняют их и ведут беседу друг с другом. Затем учитель проверяет готовность диалогов у 2-3 пар учащихся.

The home task: To do crossword with the names of the months.

3.Заключительная часть:

The teacher: I thank everybody who is present today. I'm pleased for your attention and for your work. And I want to get the marks to you. But they are not simple. I present "Sunny Diploma" to you for your brilliant and hard work during the lesson. Another gift is a card with the irregular verbs. I hope these cards will help you to enrich your knowledge in English. Thank you. The lesson is over. Good luck! Goodbye!


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2. Языкова Н.В. Сборник задач и заданий по методике преподавания иностранных языков. Пособие для студентов пед. ин-тов. Л., «Просвещение», 1977.-262 с.

3. Клементьева Т.Б., Монк Б. Счастливый английский. Кн.1.Учебник для 5-6 кл.сред. шк. М., «Просвещение»,1993.-416 с.

4. Старков А.П. и др. Книга для учителя к учебнику английского языка для 5 класса средней школы. М., «Просвещение»,1989.-240 с.

5.Эккерсли К.Е. Английский для всех: В 4-х книгах. Кн.-1:Учебное пособие. - М., «Дело»,1992.-256 с.

6.Журнал «Иностранные языки в школе» , № 2/1992г.: М.,-112 с.

7. Аnn Ward, Norman Whitney. Open Doors. Teacher's book 1. Oxford University Press.2000.- 162 p.

8. James Hemming, Gatenby E.V. Absorbing English, Book 1. Longman.

9. Kaрп'юк O.Д. Welcome to English Club. Підручник з англійської мови для 5 класу спеціалізованих загальноосвітніх шкіл з поглибленим вивченням англійської мови .- Тернопіль: Лібра Терра, 2009.144 с.



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