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  • N. Khischenko A chance to take part in the international youth expedition to the North Pole

N. Khischenko A chance to take part in the international youth expedition to the North Pole

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Краткое описание: Данный материал является творческой работой ученика, выполненной под руководством учителя в рамках Всероссийского дистанционного конкурса "Round the World" (5 - 6 класс), награждена Дипломом победителя III степени. Будет полезна всем, кто организует творческую и исследовательскую
предварительный просмотр материала

Всероссийский дистанционный конкурс

«Round the World"

по английскому языку

5 - 6 класс

Writing Task

Imagine that you had a chance to take part in the international youth expedition to the North Pole. Describe the nature, climate and ecology of it.

You may illustrate your story with pictures, drawings or presentations

Write a story (100 - 120 words) (Times New Roman, 14).

Creativeness is appreciated.

N. Khischenko A chance to take part in the international youth expedition to the North PoleIt's my way to the North Pole.

I am Nikita. I live in Shakhty. It is known to every sports lover as the town of the Olympic champions. I do wrestling. I have already won several competitions. That's why I was lucky to take part in the expedition to the North Pole. The aim of it was to light the Olympic Flame at the North Pole. We travelled there by the powerful icebreaker "50 Years of Victory". You know the thickness of the ice at the North Pole is typically 2-3 meters. There were people of different nationalities in the expedition. It was -31 ° C when the Lighting Ceremony took place. But we felt warm and united! The Flame was so bright at the polar night!

N. Khischenko A chance to take part in the international youth expedition to the North PoleV. Alexeyev, D. Rigert, M. Logvinenko and other Olympic champions glorified my town.

N. Khischenko A chance to take part in the international youth expedition to the North PoleI am fighting. I am in red.

N. Khischenko A chance to take part in the international youth expedition to the North Pole

You can believe or not believe I was among the people who lit the Olympic Flame at "the top of the world"! And now I know a lot about the autumn weather in the North Pole!


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