Cultural heritage of my country

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предварительный просмотр материала

Қысқа мерзімді жоспар English

Grade: 10

Date: 26.02.2016 жыл

The theme:

«Cultural Heritage of my country»


Development of knowledge on the cultural heritage of thinking , the development of the ability to work creatively

Systematization of giving future generations to preserve the cultural heritage of the nation

Мәдени мұра тақырыбы бойынша алған білімдерін тиянақтап, ойлау қабілеттерін, шығармашылықпен жұмыс істеу қабілеттерін дамыту.

Ұлттық мәдениетті сақтап, келер ұрпаққа аманат ету

Аралас сабақ

Пәнаралас байланыс: Тарих, әдебиет, география


Ayapova English, 10 grade Published by "Mektep".

The result of knowledge :

They can answer the questions. They are remember the words of new theme. Рupils learn to work in groups and say their own opinions, free thinking, to say their own opinions and to respect other opinions.

The main idea:

They said the main opinion of this theme. Pupil knew more about Cultural Heritage


Modal verbs

Visual aids:

Interactive board, computers, visuals, Internet, cards.

The procedure of the lesson:

Teachers activity

Pupils activity



Organization moment:

5 min.

Greeting; to ask about pupil's mood.

Good morning, pupils! How are you today?

b) Conversation with on duty.

Pupils greet the pupils and share their minds about their mood.

Warm-up 5 min.


Checking up the home tasks 5 min.

Explanation of the new materials 8 min.


Application and Analysis

Work in group




Grouping Work

So Pupils I'll divide into three groups, come and choose one picture read please

To check up homework

To write an essay about What is Cultural heritage

Today we are continue to speak about Cultural Heritage

Look at this screen and watch this Video about Cultural Heritage

  • Questions:

  • 1) What in your culture are you most proud about?

  • 2) What is the best and most important thing your culture has given to the world?

  • 3) What types we divided Cultural Heritage?

Work in group

Work with book

Read the text Cultural Heritage

Cultural Heritage

Work in Group

Make a poster

  • Holy numbers (киелі сандар)

  • In written form

Cultural heritage of my country

Working in groups

Cultural heritage of my country

1st group -Literature

2nd group- The Mausoleum

3rd group - The Ancient cities


AnsweredThe 1st group - Literature

Cultural heritage of my country The 2nd group - The mausoleum

TCultural heritage of my country

The 3rd group - The Ancient cities

Cultural heritage of my country

The 1st group - Literature №3

The 2nd group - The mausoleum №9

The 3rd group - The Ancient cities №7

Cultural heritage of my country

Cultural heritage of my country


Cultural heritage of my country

Cultural heritage of my country

Three claps

Cultural heritage of my country


Cultural heritage of my country

Cultural heritage of my country

Cultural heritage of my country


Good question

Three claps


And pictures



Reflection: 5min.

Giving marks. Home

Saying good - bye! Thank you for your attention. Our lesson is over. See you the next lesson, good - bye!

What can you contribute to the Cultural Heritage?

What can you contribute to the Cultural heritage?



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