• Учителю
  • Интегрированный урок ( английский язык/экология) по теме : « Как спасти планету?» (для 6 класса)

Интегрированный урок ( английский язык/экология) по теме : « Как спасти планету?» (для 6 класса)

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предварительный просмотр материала





Учитель английского языка: Шарипова Инна Якубовна

Тема урока: « Как спасти планету?»

The theme of the lesson :" What can we do to save the earth?"

Цель урока: Совершенствование речевых навыков и умений в чтении, говорении и аудировании к подготовке последующему этапу: письменной речи.

Образовательные задачи:

1.Развивать умение использовать полученную информацию в устной речи с опорой на текст и на наглядность.

2.формировать умение определять необходимую информацию в воспринимаемом на слух тексте.

3.Обучать учащихся поиску необходимой информации в чтении на основе дифференцированного задания.

4.Обеспечить закрепление грамматического материала"Passive Voice"и использование его в новых речевых вербальных ситуациях.

5.Развивать умение выполнять коллективные и индивидуальные коммуникативные задания.

Развивающие задачи:

Развитие умения анализировать и систематизировать полученные знания. Развивать креативное мышление.

Познавательные задачи:

1.Развивать экологическую осведомленность и культуру учащихся.

2.Формирование своего собственного оценочного отношения к экологическим проблемам.

Воспитательные задачи:

Расширять представления учащихся о масштабах экологических бедствий и воспитывать бережное отношение к природе.

Оборудование к уроку: аудиозапись, экран, слайды ИКТ, раздаточный материал.

Тип урока: комбинированный; применение знаний и умений.


1. Организационный момент.

Hello, dear children! I am glad to see you again in the lesson. Today we are going to speak about environmental problems

2. Warm-up. . Listen and read the poem written by Mariam Mackey.

Выполнение упражнения №50.

( Ученики слушают аудиозапись).

Do you agree or disagree with the girl? Why?

The world needs a friend

To love and depend on

In times of troubles…

The world has hope yet

If the children let it

And if we do it right

Together we can make the world

A better place

Because the world's best friend

Is you!

Основная часть урока:

1. Обучение говорению.

1). Look at the pictures and see how beautiful the nature is. What could the place in the picture be used for? Complete the mind map.

Демонстрирую слайды с изображением природы на экране.

Предполагаемые ответы учащихся:

1. for hiking 2. For picnicking

3. for camping 4.for fishing

5. for swimming 6. For climbing

7. for picking mushrooms 8. For walking and resting

2. Закрепление грамматического материала: Present Simple Passive.

Now look at these pictures. Do you find them beautiful now? Who is

responsible for spoiling the nature? What did people do to spoil these beautiful landscapes?

(демонстрирую картинки с изображением загрязненной окружающей средой)

What is happened with the countryside? Look, how the landscapes are spoilt.

Use the model for your answers:

The countryside is polluted with waste.

Pupil1: Litter is thrown on the grass.

Pupil2: Fires are started in the forest.

Pupil 3: Trees are carved.

Pupil4: Birds and animals are frightened and hurt.

Pupil5: Bottles and cans are thrown into the water.

Pupil6: Air is polluted with smoke.

Pupil7: Garbage dumps are created in the countryside.

Pupil8: Fish is killed by poison.

Pupil9: A rubbish heap spoils the soil.

3. Обучение говорению на основе чтения.

Teacher: Not only people pollute the environment. The pollution is mostly created by factories and plants. The oil tankers split oil into the oceans and seas and poison fish and sea birds. Now you will read the texts.


Read the magazine article and answer the questions.

( раздаю дифференцированныеe задания: для «слабых» и «сильных» учащихся.)

1. What is the problem in the text?

2. Why are the birds the victims of pollution?

3. Is it effective to save the birds?

Slick to death

Oil pollution is like nightmare. Sea birds like gulls are always the most common victims. Covered in a thick black coating of oil, such birds are unable to fly or feed themselves. Cleaning them is a painstaking business and volunteers sometimes have to spend 40 minutes or more cleaning one bird.

Last Saturday, the tanker Sea queen was wrecked near the coast of Wales. Over 70,000 tons of oil escaped into the sea. The local members of environmental groups rushed to the sea to clean and release the birds. But it is not very effective.

Nightmare - ночной кошмар; painstaking - болезненный

Was wrecked -разбился (зд.) Release- освободить

Victims -жертвы


Read the text and answer the questions:

1. How is the pollution created?

2. What is the reason of breaking the ecological balance?

3. How do people destroy the nature?


Every year the world's industries pollute the atmosphere with about 1,000 million tons of dust and other substances. The waste from factories and industrial plants, electric and atomic power stations gets into rivers, lakes and seas. It poisons the air, destroys plants and animals. Pollution of the environment threatens human health. It can lead to different diseases of central nervous system and so on. Ignorance about ecology leads to further destruction of nature and worsen living conditions for all living beings. A lot of forests are being cut down, marshes, lakes are drying up. This breaks the ecological balance and deprives lots of animals of places to live. People have destroyed nature by building huge cities, cutting down trees, excavating mountains and digging mines. In pursuit of new inventions and discoveries, as well as higher and higher profits man has forgotten about nature and it has led him to the edge of ecological catastrophe.

Substances -вещества; threatens - угрожает;

Ignorance - незнание; worsen - ухудшает;

Living conditions - жизненные условия; marshes - болота;

Deprives - лишает; digging mines выкапывание шахт;

4. Проверка домашнего задания. Проверка выполнения упражнения 52.

Now, children, let's check your homework.а) you were to add the sentences to the text. b). you were to invent rules of behavior for people in the nature.

1).Учащиеся в парах и группах рассказывают о правилах поведения на природе.

Give advice beginning with" avoid" to your friends:

a). when they are to have a picnic;

b). when they are going to ride bicycles;

c). when they are going to travel round the world.

(Примерные ответы учащихся)

Examples of pupils' answers:

1. Avoid dropping litter in the country.

2. Avoid starting fires.

3. Avoid making noise.

4. Avoid throwing cans and bottles.

5. Avoid creating rubbish heaps.

6. Avoid riding on the grass.

7. Avoid frightening the birds and animals in the forest.

8. Avoid buying packaged goods.

9. Avoid driving cars if it is possible to walk.

10. Avoid polluting water with rubbish.

2). Read and put a tittle on the text.

(обсуждаются возможные варианты заголовков;)

Предполагаемые варианты: 1.Useful tips; 2.Be wise to pollute.

2. Follow the wise advice. 4. Save the nature.

</ 1. Обучение аудированию.

Выполнение упражнения№53.(Учащиеся слушают аудиозапись и делают задание.)

Here are six sentences which belong in Ex.53.

a). Read the text once more and decide where to add the sentences. Mark the places in the text where they fit in best.

b). Check your answers by listening to the text.

A. Don't stand long with a fridge door open while you wonder what to eat- make your mind up before you open the door. The fridge warms up when the door is open and it takes extra energy to make it cold again.

B. you don't need everything that adverts say you do. Try to avoid buying things you really don't have any use for.

C. there is probably a group in your area which spends weekends cleaning up ponds, rivers, parks and woods. Take some friends along and join the group- you we'll have fun as well as helping the environment.

E. Charities are often pleased to have old books and toys

F. Don't take your radio outside-other people may not want to hear it.

5.Обучение говорению на основе выполненного задания.

Выполнение упражнения№55.( задание выполняют парами или группами).

Name the three important and three least important points for saving the Earth in your opinion. Explain how you can follow the most important ones. Choose from the list below.

1. Try not to waste energy.

2. Keep yourself informed about environmental problems.

3. Before you throw anything away, stop and think.

4. Try to avoid buying unnecessary things.

5. Avoid buying packaged food.

6. Don't waste paper. Use both sides of it.

7. Never drop litter.

  1. 8. Help to clean up your local environment. Join in the groups to clean up ponds, rivers, parks and woods.

  2. 9. Try to reduce noise pollution. Never switch on the radio outside.

10. Put out food for wild animals in winter.

6. Обучение продуктивной речи.

Выполнение упражнения 57.

Say if there is anything in the text that you found useful/ important/ silly. Why? Would you follow any of the points? What points and why? ( предлагаю выполнить задание мини-группами).

Заключительный этап

7.1). Рефлексия. Предлагаю оценить свою работу.

2). Подведение итогов урока.

3).Объяснение домашнего задания. Упражнение №60.

Work in groups. Write a script for a short video film advising people how can try to save the Earth. Use any information from the text in the ex.53.Read out or act your version.


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