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  • Открытое занятие по английскому языку по теме Happy Valentines day

Открытое занятие по английскому языку по теме Happy Valentines day

Автор публикации:
Дата публикации:
Краткое описание:
предварительный просмотр материала

Цель урока: Развитие коммуникативных умений учащихся.


  • обогатить знания учащихся о праздниках англоязычных стран

  • стимулировать интерес учащихся к изучению английского языка при помощи внедрения новых технологий обучения

  • развивать умение учебного сотрудничества при выполнении групповой работы

Место проведения: кабинет английского языка

Длительность проведения: 40 минут

Оборудование: доска, дополнительный материал по теме, макеты для изготовления поделок.

Ход урока:

1. Оргмомент.

- Good morning, dear children!

Good morning, good morning to you.

Good morning, dear teacher,

We are glad to see you!

- I'm glad to see you too.

2. Основная часть урока.

I see in our classroom so many beautiful pictures: different hearts and even an angel. What happened? Who can answer me?

This week on the 14th of February we will celebrate a very nice holiday.

-What kind of holiday?

St. Valentine's Day. The day of love and happiness.

-Right. Love! Happiness! Beauty! Today we have unusual lesson. We've gathered here to celebrate this holiday and talk about it.

And now is the first surprise for you. Amalia, please.

  1. (Чтение стихотворения)

St. Valentine's Day is a religious holiday, which is celebrated in Great Britain, in many European countries and in the USA. And what do you know about this holiday?

- You must listen very attentively and complete the sentences.

2. (чтение текста, выполнение задания по тексту)

3. (название символов праздника)

- There are some symbols of this holiday. Call them.

(heart, red rose, Cupid, rings)

4. (закончить предложение «Я люблю…»)

Well done! We are speaking about love, but what do you whom can we love? Now you will answer this question! Please, continue the phrase

"I love…"

  • Thank you.

5. (пантомимы)

But sometimes we can't just talk about love, we must show it! On the desk you see 6 hearts. Under these hearts there are some words. So, try to pantomime these words to each other so that they can name them. (a heart, a kiss, Cupid, a flower)

6. (учащиеся выполняют из макетов валентинки, подписывают их)

- You know that on St. Valentine's Day people make Valentine Cards and send them to each other. So, try your best and make a Valentine Card now.

7. (учащиеся составляют несколько слов из одного)

- And now last task - we shall see how many words you will be able to make out of this one - St.Valentine's Day.

3. Подведение итогов урока.

- Dear friends, thank you very much for this lesson. Say, what new information did you get and did you like the lesson today?

I hope that Valentine's Day will bring you a lot of fun. Happy Valentine's Day! Love and be loved! Good-bye!


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