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  • Самостоятельная работа по модулю 1 учебника Spotlight 11 для группы 11 класса среднего уровня подготовки

Самостоятельная работа по модулю 1 учебника Spotlight 11 для группы 11 класса среднего уровня подготовки

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Самостоятельная работа на закрепление лексического и грамматического материала Модуля 1 учебника Spotlight 11

(5 вариантов. Время выполнения работы - 20 минут)

Test on Module 1, Variant 1

1. Write down the sentence and translate it into Russian.

My grandparents first came to Britain from India in 1962 to work in a factory, so I'm third generation British-Indian.

2. Write down the sentence and translate it into Russian. Make this sentence negative and interrogative.

At school, half of the pupils speak English as a second language.

3. Write down the sentence and translate it into Russian. Underline the subjects and the predicates in the sentence and name the tense-forms of the predicates.

My parents are from Jamaica, but they have been living in England since they were young.

Test on Module 1, Variant 2

1.Write down the sentence and translate it into Russian.

Families were usually large, with an average family having at least five or six children.

2. Write down the sentence and translate it into Russian. Make this sentence negative and interrogative.

Children saw very little of their parents and spent most of the day in the nursery with a nanny.

3. Write down the sentence and translate it into Russian. Underline the subjects and the predicates in the sentence and name the tense-forms of the predicates.

The father, who perhaps worked in banking or insurance, was the head of the household.

Test on Module 1, Variant 3

1.Write down the sentence and translate it into Russian.

It was very common for poor families to have as many as nine or ten children, many of whom didn't go to school.

2. Write down the sentence and translate it into Russian. Make this sentence negative and interrogative.

Most of the families lived in small houses.

3. Write down the sentence and translate it into Russian. Underline the subjects and the predicates in the sentence and name the tense-forms of the predicates.

The father of the house often worked in a factory while the mother was responsible for all the household chores.

Test on Module 1, Variant 4

1.Write down the sentence and translate it into Russian.

In this way, your community will be helping to save limited raw materials.

2. Write down the sentence and translate it into Russian. Make this sentence negative and interrogative.

Flowers, plants and trees make our communities more welcoming places to live in.

3. Write down the sentence and translate it into Russian. Underline the subjects and the predicates in the sentence and name the tense-forms of the predicates.

Once a few of you take action, others will quickly join in!

Test on Module 1, Variant 5

1.Write down the sentence and translate it into Russian.

One of the most famous and most frequently visited neighbourhoods in New York is the Upper West Side.

2. Write down the sentence and translate it into Russian. Make this sentence negative and interrogative.

The Upper West Side has had many famous residents in the past, including a member of the Beatles, John Lennon.

3. Write down the sentence and translate it into Russian. Underline the subjects and the predicates in the sentence and name the tense-forms of the predicates.

It's no wonder that rents and real estate prices continue to rise.


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