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  • Открытый урок английского языка в 8 классе инклюзивного (интегрированного) обучения на тему: « Famous English-Speaking Writers»

Открытый урок английского языка в 8 классе инклюзивного (интегрированного) обучения на тему: « Famous English-Speaking Writers»

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Урок английского языка в 8 классе интегрированного обучения

на тему: « Famous English-Speaking Writers»

Цель урока : развить интерес к литературе страны изучаемого языка, способности к продуктивным речевым действиям и умения вести беседу по заданной ситуации.


1. Повторить и закрепить лексику, изученную по теме

2.Развивать умения и навыки монологической устной речи: составлять высказывания по аналогии; выражать свое мнение и оценку.

3 .Совершенствовать навыки аудирования и чтения

4. Расширить кругозор учащихся, привить любовь к книге.

План урока:

  1. Организационный момент.

  2. Фонетическая разминка.

  3. Сообщение темы урока.

  4. Повторение ранее изученной лексики. составление предложений

  5. Практиковать учащихся в монологической речи по теме: «English and American writers»

  6. Аудирование текста

  7. Чтение текстов

VIII. Д/з.

IX/ Итоги урока.

Ход урока:

  1. Организационный момент.

Приветствие учителя. Ответы учащихся на вопросы учителя о дате, дне недели, отсутствующих.

  1. Фонетическая разминка.

Подготовка учащихся к говорению на английском языке, тренировка английских звуков

Чтение скороговорки

Thirty three thousand people think that Thursday is their thirtieth birthday

  1. Сообщение темы урока.

Учащиеся читают стихотворение:

The more you read,

The more you know.

The more you know,

The smarter you grow.

The smarter you grow,

The stronger your voice,

When speaking your mind

or making your choice.

Рассматривают портреты на доске, вспоминают, что было задано на дом (подготовка сообщений о писателях) и формулируют тему урока.

Today, we' 11 have a talk about famous writers/

  1. Повторение ранее изученной лексики. составление предложений

1. По заданию учителя учащиеся сообщают, какие существуют жанры книг и выполняют упражнение по соотнесению названия жанра и его определения. (Приложение 1)

Учащиеся КРО выполняют упражнение по соотнесению английского слова и его русского эквивалента (Приложение 2)

2. При помощи упр 101 стр.83 учебника и записи на доске учащиеся составляют предложения, о том почему люди читают книги разных жанров.

I think, people read … because…

  1. Практиковать учащихся в монологической речи по теме: «English and American writers»

Проверка домашнего задания упр 103. стр 83 (опиши писателя, используя план)

  1. Аудирование текста

  1. Прослушивание текста «Daniel Defoe»

  2. Выполнение задания по тексту. (Приложение 3)

Для учащихся КРО (приложение 4)

  1. Чтение текстов

Учащиеся читают юмористические тексты об известных писателях (Приложение 5) и отвечают на вопросы.

  1. Домашнее задание

Тема следующего урока: «Литературные герои» . Упр. 4 на стр.51 в рабочей тетради поможет подготовиться к следующем уроку.

IX/ Подведение итогов урока

Приложение 1

Match kind of book and definition:

A story or a novel about events that take place in the future or on another planet.

A novel where the characters take part in real events from the past.

A story describing funny events and characters.

Story where the characters take part in a series of events which are unusual, exciting and sometimes dangerous.

A story about criminals and detectives who catch criminals.

A story about dangerous and horrible essences

A story about deep feeling between two persons.

A Historical Novel

A Humorous Story

An Adventure Story

Detective Story

Horror Story

Love Story

Science fiction

Приложение 2

Найди русский эквивалент английского слова:



















Приложение 3

Listen to the text . Decide whether the following sentences are true or false:

1. Daniel Defoe wrote his novels in the 19th century.

2. Daniel Defoe wrote his novel about Robinson Crusoe when he was 30.

3. The story of Robinson Crusoe is the author`s imagination.

4. The novel wasn`t popular in the 18th century, it became popular later.

5. Daniel Defoe didn`t write his book for children.

6. Daniel Defoe is called "the father of English prose" for his detective stories.

Приложение 4

Послушайте текст и вставьте пропущенные слова

famous novel story book popular

Daniel Defoe (1660-1731) was a _______English writer of the

eighteenth century (век). He wrote his world famous _____"The Life and

Strange Surprising Adventures of Robinson Crusoe" when he was nearly 60

years old.

The _____of Robinson Crusoe was based (была основана) on the real adventures of a sailor called Alexander Selkirk, who had lived (прожил) alone for four years on a desert (необитаемый) island. The_____, however, also contains a lot of incidents (случаи) from the author's imagination. (фантазии)

When the book was published in 1719, it immediately (немедленно) became_____. Defoe made his story so realistic that everyone believed it.

Defoe didn't write his book for children. But every child now knows

"Robinson Crusoe", how he learned to catch goats and to make pots,(горшок) how he made an umbrella and had hundreds of adventures.

Daniel Defoe wrote many other books, but for "Robinson Crusoe" he is called "the father of English prose» (его называют отцом английской прозы).

Приложение 5

Read and translate jocks about famous writers

One of Mark Twain's jokes.

Mark Twain had to give a lecture in a small town. He got to the town in the afternoon, and after dinner went into a shop to buy some ink and paper. Then he told the man in the shop that he wanted to see some of the interesting buildings and places in the town, and he asked the man to tell him what to see and where to go. The man took a city map and showed him where to go. Then he said'Mark Twain is going to give a lecture at the writer's club this evening. If you want to go to the lecture, you must buy your ticket now. If you don't, you'll have to stand during the whole lecture. '

'Yes, yes I know, 'Mark Twain said. 'Whenever Mark Twain lectures, I have to stand. '

Balzac and the thief.

Once Balzac was lying in bed awake. Suddenly he saw a man who wanted to pick the lock of his writing table. The thief was not afraid on hearing a loud laugh.

'Why are you laughing? asked the thief.

'I am laughing, my good fellow, 'said Balzac, 'to think what pains you are taking and risk you run in hope of finding money by night in a desk when the owner can never find any by day. '

A joke of Conan Doyle.

Once a French taxi-cab driver decided to play a joke on Conan Doyle. When the driver received his fare, he said, 'Merci, Mr. Conan Doyle. '

'Why, how do you know my name?'

'Well, Sir, I have seen in the papers that you were coming from the South of France to Paris. Your general appearance told me that you were English; your hair had been clearly cut by a barber of the South of France. So I guessed that it was you. '

'That is very remarkable. You have no other evidence to go upon?'

'Well, said the driver, 'there was also the fact that your name was on your luggage. '


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