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  • Урок “Family. Friends. Hobbies and pastime. ”

Урок “Family. Friends. Hobbies and pastime. ”

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Lesson: "Family. Friends. Hobbies and pastime."


Цель: обучение иноязычной культуре в рамках проблемы: «Семья. Друзья. Хобби и свободное время ».

Учебный аспект:

формировать грамматические навыки говорения: учить употреблять в речи группу простых и продолженных времён, фразовые глаголы .

развивать умения читать, понимать на слух с извлечением общей и детальной информации.

Познавательный (социокультурный) аспект:

Познакомить с результатами опроса об увлечениях детей, с популярными хобби.

Развивающий аспект:

развивать способность к слуховой дифференциации, к выведению языковых закономерностей, осуществлять репродуктивные и продуктивные действия,

развивать устойчивую мотивацию к учебной деятельности,

развивать экзистенциональную компетентность (самооценку учащихся),

Воспитательный аспект:

формировать потребность и способность понимать образ жизни и поведение людей другой культуры, понимать и уважать мнение другого человека.

Оборудование: карточки - маркеры для разделения детей на группы, мультимедийное оборудование, презентация в Power Point, карточки со словами, бланки для записей, карточки с заданиями.

Презентация (приложение № 1) предназначена для показа иллюстративного материала, опорных фраз, дополнительных лексикограмматических упражнений, тестовых заданий.

Видеоклип из интернета «The Sims 2 FreeTime Official Trailer».

Проблемный вопросы: Ваше осознание значимости семь? Какие у вас увлечения?

Вопросы для обсуждения проблемы: Что вы любите делать после занятий в школе? Что предпочитаете делать, когда отдыхаете? Что любите смотреть по телевизору? Какой у вас любимый вид спорта? Какие хобби у британских детей? Какие хобби у мальчиков, какие - у девочек? Какие самые популярные хобби у детей?


Афанасьева О.В., Михеева И.В. "English 7" - М.: Просвещение, 2008.

Веселова Ю.С. Сборник тренировочных и проверочных заданий. Английский язык. 7 класс (в формате ЕГЭ) - М.: Интеллект-Центр, 2010.

Brian Abbs. Pre-Intermediate. Snapshort. - England: Longman, 2008.

Ход урока.

1. a) Look at the pictures and try to remade( переделать) the subtitles of the theme (family, friends, hobbies and pastimes, traditions, likes and dislikes, biography); (1 слайд)

b) I think you remember all the words that refer (упоминают) to these subtitles. Match them with the right subtitles. (№1 в карточках для групп)

- Travelling (hobby)

- to look like somebody ( family, friends)

- spend time together (pastimes, traditions, likes/dislikes)

- collecting ancient bowls (hobby)

- to make a firm decision in ones life

- to smile cheerfully ( family, friends)

- to watch cartoons (pastimes)

- to decorate a Christmas table with a beautiful tablecloth and candles. (hobby, traditions )

c) -Can you name the theme of our lesson? Family. Friends. Hobbies and pastime.

2. a) - Now you will work in 3 groups. Each group has got card with exercises. (№2 в карточках для групп)

- Our family is an important part of our life. Before discussing our theme lets remember phrasal verbs " to give", " to look", " to make", to get" and try to do exercise from AB: #5,p.34.

(1- c, 2-a, 3-c, 4-a)

b) - Now lets listen another group. Their answers on ex.1 p.62 (SB).

c) -Check dialogues the 3rd group. ex.2 p.62 (SB).

3. -a) British children favourite afterschool activities are: dancing, swimming, playing on computer, watching TV, reading, going shopping, playing sports, helping parents.

b) -What do you like doing after school?

Please, speak about your afterschool activities and role play the dialogues.


-You know my hobby is doing exercises .Look at me, do like me.(выполняется гимнастика для глаз по усмотрению учителя можно провести физкультминутку).

Look up, down ,look left ,right, then around. Twinkle your eyes ,with one eye, with another, close your eyes. Now look at each other.

-Go on working. Look at the screen.

4. - Now lets watch the film and than you will be ready to fill the table about most popular, less popular and least popular hobbies of your age group. AB: p41

(Просмотр фильма, заполнение таблицы)

-Do you want to tell me about your hobbies? While listening to your friends, please, fill in the blanks in order to find out which are boys' hobbies and which are girls' hobbies.

5. - Try to predict (предсказать) what your parents like or dislike looking at the table.

Weather Clothes Food Sports Films TV programmes Books School subjects

Use the phrases:

I think (that)...

In my opinion

I feel (that)...

As I see it....

My view is that...:

I'm afraid ...


- Develop the ideas and write about your imaginary or real pastimes and read exercise 1 at page 29 in AB. (hometask).

- Look at the table. How do you rate your progress?

I know how




To use phrasal verb

To use active vocabulary

To write about me and my friends

To organise my work

- I think you should get good marks. Thank you for your work.

Приложение 1.

Ideal Family:

  1. All members of the family understand each other.

  2. Parents never punish their children they just tell them what is right and what is wrong.

  3. Parents punish their children and they even beat them.

  4. Children do everything they want.

  5. Children don't have any duties.

  6. Parents and children do a lot of things together.

  7. Parents always have time for their children.

  8. Parents never have time for their children.

  9. Parents and children respect each other.

Приложение 2.

Card for the 1st group.

1. Match all the words with the right subtitles.

- Travelling

- to look like somebody

- spend time together

- collecting ancient(древние) bowls(миски)

- to make a firm decision in ones life

- to smile cheerfully

- to watch cartoons

- to decorate a Christmas table with a beautiful tablecloth and candles.

2. Open Activity book ex.5 page 30 and try to do it.

3.SB p.63 ex.3,4. Make up short dialogues to discuss: a) hobby b) your traditions

for example:

Which of afterschool activities do you like?

I like being alone and relax.

When relax, what do you prefer doing?

I prefer watching TV.

What do you like watching on TV?

I like watching concerts.

Watching concerts?

Yes, I am keen on pop music. It's a change from boring school life.

I see. Who is your favourite singer?

Dima Bilan.

4. Now let watch film and than you will be ready to fill the table about the most popular hobbies of your age group (AB p.41/ age group №1).

Card for 2nd the group.

1.Match all the words with the right subtitles.

- Travelling

- to look like somebody

- spend time together

- collecting ancient(древние) bowls(миски)

- to make a firm decision in ones life

- to smile cheerfully

- to watch cartoons

- to decorate a Christmas table with a beautiful tablecloth and candles.

2. Student's book: ex. 1.page 62. Answer these questions.

3.SB p.63 ex.3,4. Make up short dialogues to discuss: a) hobby b) your traditions

for example:

What do you do after school?

I go in for sport.

Which is your favourite sport?

I am crazy about cycling.

Do you get pleasure from riding a bike?

Yes, it's relaxing.

And I'm keen ( страстно увлекающийся) on football. I get (добиваться) a lot out of it.

I see.

4. Now let watch film and than you will be ready to fill the table about less popular hobbies of your age group (AB p.41/ age group №1).

Card for the 3rd group.

1.Match all the words with the right subtitles.

- Travelling

- to look like somebody

- spend time together

- collecting ancient(древние) bowls(миски)

- to make a firm decision in ones life

- to smile cheerfully

- to watch cartoons

- to decorate a Christmas table with a beautiful tablecloth and candles.

2. Student's book: ex. 2.page 62. Role play the dialogues.

3.SB p.63 ex.3,4. Make up short dialogues to discuss: a) hobby b) your traditions

for example:

What do you do after school?

I go in for sport.

Which is your favourite sport?

I am crazy about cycling.

Do you get pleasure from riding a bike?

Yes, it's relaxing.

And I'm keen ( страстно увлекающийся) on football. I get (добиваться) a lot out of it.

I see.

4. Now let watch film and than you will be ready to fill the table about least popular hobbies of your age group (AB p.41/ age group №1).


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