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  • Урок английского языка Lisas cabinmates

Урок английского языка Lisas cabinmates

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10 класс Unit 2 урок 6 К.И Кауфман., М.Ю.Кауфман

Тема урока "Lisa's cabinmates"

Тип урока: комбинированный

Цели урока:

Коммуникативные: 1 совершенствование навыков чтения c целью извлечения

детальной информации

2 развитие умений монологической речи

3 повторение и систематизация грамматического материала : Past simple, Past progressive, Past Perfect

развивающая - 1- развитие умения находить нужную информацию в незнакомом контексте, делать выводы

cопутств. задачи: автоматизация лексических навыков,

общеобразовательная- совершенствование навыков чтения с полным пониманием

Ход урока:

I Организационный момент- Good morning! Glad to see you! How are you? Are you OK?

II Речевая зарядка -

III Контроль усвоения ЛЕ: упр. 1стр.64

1. фонетическая отработка ЛЕ

2.чтение предложений из текста с новыми словами

3. контроль усвоения - а)на карточках набор букв, среди которых необходимо найти новые слова.

в)- вставить пропущенные слова в предложения

V Проверка дом задания .Чтение с детальным пониманием прочитанного и обсуждение прочитанного Упр. 3 стр 64

1. Look through the Lisa's diary page again and answer the questions of ex.4 p. 67

2 .Put the the sentences in right order.

1. A very pretty African-American girl was sitting in the corner. Next to her there was a very tall and thin girl in pyjamas.. the fourth girl in the room was Mary, the Canadian.

2 But I haven't brought a sleeping bag. I didn't see it on the packing list.

3. . She is going to make her big speech about all the dangers at camp .To make it worse, they've taken away our mobile phones.

4. I was getting really tired of walking when we finally stopped at the door of a rather shabby-looking cabin. . It's called "Cherokee"

5 "Dima and I got split up the moment we arrived.

6. Well, meet my friends then. This is Cindy, our pretty genius from South Carolina.

7. My parents used to tell me that there were bears in the streets of Russian cities and towns. Is this true?

8. To make it worse, they've taken away our mobile phones.

9. So now Dima and I won't even be able to exchange text messages to cheer each other up. And how will I know if he gets in trouble?"

3. Look through the diary page again and find the facts to support or contradict these statements. (Посмотрите страницу дневника (упр.3) еще раз и найдите факты для поддержки или противоречия этим заявлениям.) упр.9 стр.68

  • 1.To make it worse, they've taken away our mobile phones. So now Dima and I won't even be able to exchange text messages to cheer each other up.

  • 2. We have been going to this camp since we were ten and we have always been together.

  • 3. They've put Jennifer in the Mohicans.

  • 4. There's no new girl in the cabin:... We have known each other for so long and we have never had to share our cabin with anybody else.

  • 5. ... that woman has hated us since we met years ago .

  • 6. Belle is the only local girl in this cabin, the rest of us have traveled thousands of miles to spend this summer here together .

  • 7. Have you had a look at the camp yet? - Not yet. It had got dark by the time we arrived .

  • 8. Lisa doesn't know about the dangers in the camp:... hasn't the Crunch spoken to you? -... No, she hasn't... - Well, just wait for tomorrow. She is going to make her big speech about all the dangers at camp.

  • 9. Lisa didn't come to the camp well-prepared:... I haven't brought a sleeping bag. I didn't see it on the packing list

4. You have to make up a plan, so let's see it. (уч-ся читают план рассказа)

5..Now try to say 1-2 sentences on each point of plan. ( по каждому пункту плана сказать 1-2 предложения)

V Повторение грамматического материала- Present Perfect , Present Perfect Progressive, Past Simple.

Упр.6,7 стр.68

V1 Выполнение упр. 9-14 стр. 69-70

V11 Домашнее задание стр.255-261

VI11. Рефлексия - методика «Лови ошибку»

  1. The girls in the cabin didn't speak with Lisa.

  2. Lisa said that there are bears in the streets of Russian cities.

  3. Lisa brought a sleeping bag with her.


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